Web Based JRA
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Journey Risk Assessment (JRA) is a concept devised by HE India, benefits of which has been long savored by organizations of repute. Looking at the current global scenario where physical movement and commuting are restricted, HE India have come up with the alternative concept of “Web-based Journey Risk Assessment” program.
Advantages & benefits of Web-based JRA are as follows:
No physical movement or involvement of the assessor is needed.
Risk profiling as per High/Medium/Low risk is been done with preciseness.
Enroute hazards are identified and highlighted.
Mitigation plans to encounter the hazards are provided.
Ideal speed as per the zones are specified.
Organization gets a ready to implement report once situation gets back to normalcy, thereby remaining ahead of times in implementation of the same.
Ideal speed as per the zones are specified.
Organizations saves on the cost remarkably, which is otherwise involved in case of on-site assessment (manday, accommodation, travel, vehicle for assessment).