Accident Investigation – Doing the Route Cause Analysis (RCA)

A prerequisite to improve road safety is to have a comprehensive road accident database and analysis system. Collecting of quality, accurate and reliable data that are collected over a period of time are needed in order to understand the factors influencing the rising figures of road accident and injuries. In addition, advanced road accident analysis system is needed to help strategies for road safety initiative as well as to inculcate better understanding for the cause of road accident.
Read moreIt is very important to carry out an analysis of incidents/accidents to find out the root cause, determining the cause of an incident and devising way to prevent a recurrence, for this we need systematic and proven approach.

Content & Methodology

Fact gathering: After an accident happens the process starts to gather all possible relevant facts that may contribute to understand the road accident. The process would include the following:

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    • Visit the Spot of accident for Ground condition, topography study, Road infrastructure and other eye witness for recording for analyzing.

    • Visit to the depot/plant to understand driver duty roster and rest pattern, Attendance, Vehicle fitness check etc. GPS status if fitted.

    • Statement of Driver, Helper, first responder, Eye witness.

    • Statement of driver’s immediately boss/ Vendor/owner.

    • Visit Police station for FIR copy and inspection of Vehicle if confiscated.

    • Visit Hospital (Collection of Post mortem report – only to gather the information about cause of death.

Fact Analysis : The cause of the accident is checked for consistency and plausibility by putting together all the facts that has been gathered.

Conclusion Drawing : If the accident history is sufficiently informative conclusions can be drawn about the possible cause and contributing factors.

Countermeasures : Recommendations will be given in the report of the analysis to avoid future occurrence of similar road accidents/incidents.