GPS Monitoring Centre

GPS monitoring centers are now as essential in fleet management as they are for safe and secure driving. It not only provides just the route information but also valuable data for analysis of cost effectiveness in every trip, like fuel usage, maintaining specific routes etc which can be monitored real time and also act as a deterrent to drivers who might think of any mischief.

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HE’s constant innovation and research towards bringing in the best global practice of road safety on Indian roads has revealed a fact that although organisations are currently installing GPS devices in the vehicles and monitoring them, the lack of professional expertise is causing a hindrance in identifying the exact cause of violations which can be due to a number of factors both mechanical and human. This finding led HE to come up with a solution where its experts can be employed to monitor not only the day to day movements but also analyse the reports from an expert point of view and there by suggesting corrective measures so that it does not get repeated. Apart from day to day reports, a detailed weekly report with suggestive measures shall be submitted to the client after in-depth analysis by HE’s team of road safety experts.


HE shall deploy road safety experts at the office of the client, who will do a real time tracking of these GPS fitted vehicles remotely on a day to day basis.

The major benefits are:

  • Daily MIS reports on each vehicle on set parameters
  • Weekly MIS report on specific trends observed with respect to driver
  • behaviour
  • Immediate alert on any deviation form set parameters
  • Analysis of driver behaviour and suggesting corrective actions by
  • experts on road safety
  • Eases the burden on the organisation who may not have dedicated
  • road safety expert for such monitoring

*Deployment of one, manpower is capable of monitoring 50 vehicles in a day to day basis for 8 hours per day